Join our Kids Grow Food program!
We will give a free seedling to any child (18 and under) in Cambridge who is willing to commit to caring for it and tracking its progress. In 2020 we provided about 150 seedlings, and in 2021 we hope to have at least that many.
How it works:
Choose a plant from our store. Use coupon code KIDS2021, which will give you one free plant. We may check to confirm that you have a child in Cambridge willing to participate. By using the coupon, you give us permission to send weekly email reminders to record data about your plant. We recommend selecting a Sun Gold tomato plant: they are easy to grow and produce fruit for many weeks.
Choose a Saturday to pick up your seedling when you check out. (If you can't pick up the seedling we'll get it to you.)
Care for your plant and tell us how it's going by filling out this form at least once a week.
What you will need:
A sunny outdoor spot that gets sunlight from mid-morning to mid-afternoon.
Ground to plant in, or a pot big enough for your plant, with holes in the bottom. (At least 5 gallons for tomatoes and peppers.)
Potting soil, if growing in a pot.
Fertilizer for vegetables
Know how to care for your plant. Read our advice for growing tomatoes, our blog post on hardening off, and do some research of your own. (Note that very young seedlings obtained from us in early to mid May have not yet been hardened off!)
Let's grow some food!